Do you sometimes wake up with pains around your foot? If so, you are not alone. Foot pain is quite common and can be frustrating when they occur. Several reasons for foot pain in brampton exist, but no matter the reason, it can get in the way of your daily activities. Below, we share some of the common reasons it occurs. We also explain how to eliminate it.

Possible cause of foot pain
- Flat feet: Flat feet, also known as flatfoot, is a condition in which all the soles of one’s feet touch the ground when one walks or stands. It can happen to one or both feet. It is a condition in which the foot or feet have no arch. This causes the entire sole not to touch the ground. Flat feet are among the most common causes of foot pain.
- Solutions to flat feet: This condition is often not serious and rarely requires medical attention. Sometimes, all that is required to correct flat feet is to use shoe inserts or wear shoes with adequate arch support. Standing on tiptoes again and again also helps. For worse cases, surgery may be required.
- Arthritis: Arthritis is an illness of the joint and is among the common causes of foot pain. There are different kinds, and gout commonly affects the toe, causing foot pain. Other symptoms accompanying this disease are swelling and redness of the big toe.
- Solutions to arthritis: The doctor will prescribe some meds. But some lifestyle changes will go a long way in ridding you of the pain. Improved diet, exercising, wearing proper footwear, and maintaining good body weight are all important.
- Stress fracture: A stress fracture refers to a tiny crack in the bone around the leg or foot. It occurs as a result of overuse and repetitive trauma. That’s why it is common among sports and highly physically active persons. Walking or running longer distances than you can handle could lead to stress fractures. It is often diagnosed through a physical exam, bone scan, or x-ray.
- Solutions to stress fractures: The most effective solution for stress fractures is stopping the activity and resting to allow the bone to heal itself. Applying ice packs can soothe the pain. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe painkillers and crutches.
- Achilles tendinitis: The Achilles tendon is the bone connecting the calf to the heel. Achilles tendonitis is a condition in which this bone gets injured. It can happen to any person who is active or play sports occasionally. The symptoms are pain and a swollen heel.
- Solutions to Achilles tendinitis: Physical therapy cures this inflammation soon enough. Applying icepacks and resting are also workable solutions.
There are other causes of foot pain, and their solutions could be resting, painkillers, compression, or physical therapy. It is essential to see a healthcare professional if you experience serious foot pain. Once the actual cause is determined, solving the problem becomes easier and faster.